Meet Alit
An explorer of life who’s grateful for every opportunity I get to observe, grow and be of assistance to the growth of others. It is my love and mission to live life fully and authentically, without the drama and cliches. To cultivate clear and kind seeing. AND to support others in their own journey.
Yoga to me is a viewpoint and a wonderful tool to connect with ourselves and the world. From physical practice, through mindfulness and meditation, and to self-inquiry. With over 12 years of teaching, I found that each aspect is weaved within the other, on and off the yoga mat. Through yoga encounters and mentoring, I share the spirit of yoga and its subtleties using a dynamic, playful, yet thorough approach.
Sina Arnold
Yoga Practitioner
Alit is a wonderful teacher on many levels: She is friendly, warm, attentive towards all her students and is interested in them as individuals. She is passionate about Yoga and strikes the right balance between great physical exercise with attention to details and personal advancement on the one hand, and connecting the physical aspects to more emotional ones.
Ohad & Efrat S.
Yoga Practitioners
In Alit there is a combination of tenderness and strength that envelop the practice from beginning to end and make it an unforgettable experience.
Her touch when assiting our practice is so precise that it changes the entire essence of the practice. Alit is a shining diamond out of all the yoga teachers we know.
Ben Mor
Yoga Practitioner
I was fortunate to cross paths with Alit. Her unwavering questioning of everything, while fully accepting the person in front of her, might seem contradicting. Instead, this allows you to put everything in perspective. For that, I will always be grateful. So if you’re questioning what it is all about (life and Alit), give it a try and if you wish, keep trying.

Senior E-RYT 500 Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga teacher and mentor, Thai massage therapist, novice musician and a loving being, who has been sharing the spirit of yoga and its practice since 2010.
Alit is known for her hands-on assists, depth and precision of teaching, and the practical clarity with which she incorporates philosophical ideas from modern yogic tradition through the physical practice and heart-to-heart conversations.
Currently based in Mallorca, Spain, Alit leads classes, workshops, retreats, and mentorship programs locally and internationally, where alongside the bodywork, she encourages students to continuously explore themselves and life, so it can be lived in a mindful, authentic, and meaningful way.
Her Yoga education thus far includes attending and then assisting a 600 hrs TT in Ashtanga Yoga, 200 hrs TT in Prana Vinyasa, Yoga Therapy, Yin yoga, and more.
Utilizing her business background, Alit has been sharing her insights and tools through continuing education programs for teachers, immersion courses for novice and senior practitioners, and even through launching and organizing Israel’s biggest International Yoga Festival.
Life is a journey and yet all is always here, awaiting to be revealed. All we need is to shed the layers, soften and stabilize body and mind, and embrace every moment. Embrace the pain as you do with pleasure, yet don’t get confused and consumed by them. Open your heart and be courageous, you have nothing to lose!
Moving to Mallorca is my third life changing transition thus far.
In my 20s I lived in Amsterdam where I learned to appreciate the great value in living in a multicultural environment; such a mind opening experience.
In my 30s I left marketing and managerial roles in the hi-tech industry towards a journey to the unknown and the teachings of Yoga, what a heart opening experience it has been.
Recently, in my late 40s I moved to Mallorca, starting all over again and feeling the pain alongside the joy of yet another life transforming experience.
I am ever so thankful to all the wonderful teachers who have guided and enlightened me through the years, specifically Shimon Ben-Avi, Maty Ezraty, Ty Landrum, Mooji, Shiva Rae, Chuck Miller, and Ganesh Mohan. I am blessed to have had you in my life and only hope your lights will continue to shine through me.
It is my privilege and blessing to share with people a practice and a way of living that is beyond just the physical.

My Approach
Being an explorer of life, I’m grateful for every opportunity I get to observe, grow and be of assistance to the growth of others. Exploring subtleties, appreciating quality and beauty, and loving to love and laugh are all apparent threads woven in my approach to teachings.

Explore with all the senses! Explore body, mind and life. Embrace every moment. Keep an open mind and open heart. Don’t mimic or compare. Stay humble yet confident. Don’t take yourself so seriously. Trust, leap, fly! These are my mantras.
Whether on or off the yoga mat, when meditating or mentoring, I encourage steady and playful exploration. On the mat, I guide practitioners to study the body and movement patterns, and connect breath, movement, and attention. Making the practice explorative, intelligent, accessible and deep.
There is clear intention and loving attention in each session and to each student. An invitation to engage and stay focused and steady, whilst releasing unnecessary effort, tension and rigidity.
Notice what you eat, hear, see, think, say, feel and do. Notice how your body and mind react to all those. Notice with a kind heart, a smile, sometimes even a big laughter.
In classes, physical, energetic, and even emotional alignment are explored.
Hands-on assists are often used as tools to reveal our potential and support each individual journey beyond words or limiting perceptions.
We use the form (of the body and different postures) to move beyond them. Just as in our daily life, we can use scenarios, relationships and our own reactions to those to move beyond them. To grow, to develop.
Philosophical ideas from the yogic tradition are incorporated into the teachings as practical tools for self inquiry while living a modern lifestyle.